2021, Term 3, week 10

From the principal: 2021 Week 10, Term 3


T3 Week 10

Tēnā koutou katoa

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou

Welcome to Week 10

The last couple of weeks of school for term 3 have been busy for us all.

NCEA 2022 Options evening - online

Thank you to everyone who went online to meet up with our Heads of Department using Google Meets. Jayne Wheeler (DP) worked really hard with our staff to set this up. I was very impressed with how well everyone adapted. We need to be able to be flexible and to be able to work with each other, our rangatahi and our whānau differently when needed.

We also set up a really good session for our senior students on Monday during mentor time to allow them to meet with Heads of Department to ask questions.

However, please do not hesitate to contact individual HODs, teachers, Deans and so on if you have any questions. Please phone the school office or email individuals to make an appointment.

NCEA parent-teacher interviews (online) - Term 4, week 1

We have also made the decision to hold our NCEA parent-teacher interviews online in Term 4, week 1. As it is so early in the term we had to make the decision now. More information has been sent out today. Again, if you do want to talk in person, please make individual appointments.

Primary School visits

We have been continuing with our visits to our contributing primary schools. It has been fantastic to visit all of these schools and to talk about the amazing things that Greymouth High School has on offer to support our students to succeed. Our year 9 rangatahi who joined us on these visits have been amazing, and have been answering great questions from both year 8 students and their parents. If you or know people who would like to come and talk to us about Grey High please give the office a call.

Some acts of kindness

This week I was the recipient of a couple of acts of kindness. They really made my day! One was a lovely home cooked meal by a member of staff that I could heat up one evening. The other one was a packet of my favourite biscuits that a member of staff picked up for me during their weekly shop. These small acts make my time at work so much more special and it is a good reminder how our actions can affect others and make their day. So kind!


Finally I wish you all a fantastic holiday. I hope that our seniors use the time wisely to complete any work due but also that everyone manages to get some rest and a break.

“Whāea te iti kahurangi - strive for success”

Ngā mihi nui

Samantha Mortimer




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